BILLY STEWART 20 5'8.5" 157 les from Birmingham. Alobamo, Chest 39/43. Bleep 13,75° Nast $5.5 Thich 20.5, Calf 14,25 Wols 30. relaxed, pulls la to 28 Hips 35, 26", Shoulders 50 3/6. Gai his build from construction work, swinning and football. Likes to rode hot rods,
This is AMG photo
Additional photos on pages 2, 3, and de ocorola XT3 450 from A. M. G.
1834 West 17th Stroot
GARETH (GARY CARMODY 19 6'T 180 16, from Besten Va but hos fived in Califomio stace oge of 8.Waist 2 slot 4841 Thigh 24, calf 15.5 bleeps 15 Lut pump to 16. Goy Begon working out about a year before these photos were taken. Becise as an artist himself he saw the thony possibilitles of the well-doveloped male physique. He has always been falily wef Euth and found he made very rapid progress. He works out at home wita 150-16s of weight, 3 times each wock, but often lays off for con month or more
Has been interested in art since he was in grammar school, and recently won on art scholarship.
This is AMG photo XP-7-AF, Otter photos of Gary on pgs 22, 23, 24 of XP13: 45 cents from AMG 1934 W 11th st Los Angeles 6, Calif
Los Angeles 6 Colit.
On your left: ART POWERS prefers live weight to barbells, and all the girls at the beach are only too glad to be his "dumb belle." Lifting a person requires considerably greater s skill and strength than to handle a barbell of the some weight, but it certainly can be more fun!
On your right: BURT WEST tokes advantage of a chinning bar at the old Muscle Beach (since demolished and reconstructed in a way that destroyed all of the old chom). Chinning is one of the easiest ways of building up the arms, and almost anyone can provide himself with a chinning bar. You can readily make one from a piece of 3/4 inch water pipe, and a couple of brackets and install it between the close walls of a closet or other similar area, Note that Burt is doing his chins "overhand" with the palms tumed out which puts more of the effort into the forearms. One should also do chins with the palms turned in "underhand." This is one of those simple exercises you can do without barbells and everyone should do some chinning exercises everyday.